Capri, Italy

Capri, Italy

Monday, July 6, 2009


A few other things I forgot to mention about Italy: We rode the trolley in Capri down to the harbor. It was way cool… quite unique, as it was positioned at a steep slant. It felt almost like we were boarding a roller coaster! And being one of their common forms of transportation, (like a small, slow subway) one would have thought that it would level out… but no, it never did. The track went down the cliff of the island. It reminded me of the thing I took in Australia to get back up the Blue Mountains. Pretty nifty!

And one thing that pissed me off… I wrote out lots of postcards –to home, Grammy and Grandpa, Memere and aunt Michelle, and friends. And are they going to send?! The purser said there is a good chance they will not and there is nothing I can do! I guess stamps bought at the Vatican can only be sent there or in the surrounding area, since it is its own city. Ugh! I just picked up stamps there because we had passed the post office and it seemed easy to grab them there and then mail the cards on the ship later. I am very upset over the whole situation… I wish they had communicated this important information to us beforeee we spent the money and time on writing them! Not to mention the stamps cost .85 euros each… which is well over a dollar (The stamps we bought and Italian stamps cost the same… so what is the difference?!) I guess a lot of people did the same thing as I, including Anthony, and we can now only hope for their delivery.

Good thing I went to sleep early (even though everyone made fun of me for laying down around 9 p.m… they said I was pathetic) because the whole ship got woken up around 7:30 am by an announcement stating that were sailing the through the Messina Straight… which is right in-between Italy and Sicily! So right away Shannon and I went upstairs for breakfast outside on the deck. It was such a beautiful morning, with the entrance of the straight in the horizon, and Sicily and Italy on either side of the ship. With that view, I think its safe to say that breakfast set the bar pretty high for lunch and dinner…Allllthough lunch on the ship wasss chicken fajitas… one of the best meals yet! And I was able to sneak some pears out for later!! Yumm!

I guess that’s all… sorry for the mumble jumble of a blog today… but Ant and I are going to try and play scrabble now… so talk to you later!


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