Capri, Italy

Capri, Italy

Friday, July 10, 2009

Kayaking the Adriatic!


Those three words describe today’s events by members of team ABA (our self-created name, meaning American Backpackers Association). I am stealing their expressions because I am at a loss. Today was everything I pictured Croatia to be and more. Every aspect was amazing, and I will never forget it. So what did we do? We went kayaking in the Adriatic Sea!! Anthony said that it was the best $50.00 he ever spent, worth every dime, and I concur.  It is for days like these that I wish my digital camera were waterproof! I would have been able to clip it to my life vest and take some remarkable pictures. There were ten of us who went, but we were in a larger group of about 45 people. We had to split up into twos, so Anthony and I went together. I sat in front, and I swear I did all of the work! He actually kept commenting on how impressed he was with my paddling techniques… which motivated me to keep going when I thought my arms were going to fall off! We did A LOT of kayaking, and I thought for sure I would be sore…but actually I’m feeling pretty good right now. We started out by the City Walls, and then kayaked around a beautiful island. Halfway through, we stopped in a cave to go swimming, and snorkel if we wanted. The water felt more than refreshing. It was clear, warm, calm… just amazing. And I was happy that we were able to take some cute pictures with our goggles. Kayaking once again, we passed some nude beaches…but the beaches were on these different levels of rocks… so as Kate put it, it looked as though they were just chilling on some monument. It was quite a sight. Besides for that… Croatia is just gorgeous is every direction. I tried to take it all in…The sweeping mountains, the city walls, the fortress looking architecture, the red/orange-roofed (“why not purple?”) houses, and the tranquil waters underneath the sun’s rays. Wow. Pulling back in after the three-hour adventure, we were able to get a first hand look at a professional diver practicing for the Redbull Cliff-diving challenge that is being held the day after we leave. I wish we could stay for it! Croatia is known for cliff jumping… and it is ridiculous the heights that some of these people jump from! I wouldn’t do it…

At night we met four guys around our age from Germany. We talked with them for quite a while, and we were outside of a supermarket…we actually spent like two hours there, and it was a great time! They spoke English very well. Anthony and I were able to interrogate them on their feelings of the European Union, which I will for sure share in my EU class! They all thought positively about it, voted in the Parliament elections, and envisioned a united future for Europe. Hopefully I’ll gain some points with my professor! The Germans were also luckily to have had the opportunity to hear my wonderful voice. And we have it on tape! Kate recorded Anthony and I doing callbacks... ugh I try so hard and wish I could sing! After that, we ventured by bus over to Old City and indulged in some more ice cream. What a surprise, eh? We found this place, which is by far my favorite, with 7 Kuna scoops that are huge! That is a little over $1.00! And supposedly it is the site of the first ice cream in Croatia. I will have to stop again before our departure!


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