Capri, Italy

Capri, Italy

Friday, July 17, 2009

Goodbye Greece...

So… I am saddened to say that I did not make it to a Greek Island. I never got to see the beautiful Mamma Mia scenery! I instead stayed in Piraeus for the last two days …which really bummed me out. I feel like I poorly planned the port…and wasted precious time in Greece. Many SAS’s had the time of their lives in Santorini or Mykonos…and I missed out on that! But… I can’t live in regret and am still very fortunate for having seen the things I did…such as the Acropolis and Delphi.

So what did I do in Piraeus? Anthony and I walked around looking for a beach, which we eventually found after about 45 minutes. It was in an industrial like area…and the sand was not impressive. However, the water was clear and felt very refreshing under the beaming sun. After that, Anthony and I were really missing home, so decided to have an American day in Greece…complete with dinner at Pizza Hut, dessert at Haigan Diaz, and a caramel frapaccino at Starbucks. I definitely spent a lot of Euros on food! But let me tell you… the Pizza Hut was the most upscale Pizza Hut I have ever been to! It was very classy… and the ones in the states could take a few pointers from their Greek chains. And boy, did it taste good. I can’t remember the last time I indulged and allowed myself that delicious pizza. It brought back great memories, as Anthony and I have spent many great afternoons eating for six at the Wolf Rd. joint. After pizza, I could have definitely done without the ice cream. It was the priciest brownie sundae I ever bought… 9 Euros (approx. 12 dollars), but it was in an awesome location. So, Ant, Shannon, Nina, Bo, Kevin and I all splurged and enjoyed the atmosphere.

For our last night in Greece, we all stayed close to the ship and chilled at the Irish Pub again…with the same Aussie waiter. After that, we went around the corner to a small Karaoke bar, where Anthony of course sang. I would have too…except there weren’t many people in the place… and those who were there were all decent singers! But…they did think Anthony’s voice was amazing… so the owner gave Anthony and I each a frozen martini on the house! I love smooching off of Anthony’s talent!

The last day in Greece: I slept in…called Memere and Aunt Michelle at 7 in the morning before the Phone Center closed… spent some time on the Internet, and then sipped on yet another caramel frapacchino from my favorite coffeehouse, Starbucks. That’s what I did on my last day in Greece… yup.

BUT… for those who did go to Santorini or Mykonos… which included one of my roommates, Kate, and some friends of ours … Rachael, Becca, Lindsay and Nico… their return ferry was late so they did not make it back to the ship on time. In total, about 50 SAS student’s were about an hour and a half late. A bunch of us on the ship stood on the decks and watched as many of them ran to the gangway. I would have been doing the same thing, as being as late as they were, they now have 18 hours dock time. They must serve this at our next port. So basically they will lose a day in Istanbul staying on the ship. But… their pictures from Santorini look AMAZING and they said their trip was well worth the dock time. I am jealous they saw the island!

As the ship pulled away, Anthony and I watched Something’s Got to Give. Great movie.

Next up: Turkey.

Until then…
Much love,

I hope everyone is well at home! I miss everyone dearly!

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