Capri, Italy

Capri, Italy

Friday, July 3, 2009

2nd Port: ITALY!!

HELLO ITALY!!! We docked in Civitavecchia, Italy on Wednesday morning, July 1st! It was about time after those three long days at sea.

We took the train from Civitavecchia to Rome, which took a little over an hour. Rome is a gigantic metropolis, full of a variety of different people, including tourists, business people, religious professional… etc. We of course stood out with out our huge backpacks and cameras. But Oh how it was it amazing. It definitely stands out from other large cities… as ruins, such as the coliseum, can be found throughout. The city just has so much history, and meaning, I cannot believe I was there and saw everything with my own eyes. It is so different from experiencing it first hand versus learning about it in a textbook.

Did our hostel situation work out like we planned? Of course not. The owner flipped out on us when we tried to sneak eight people into a four-person room. There are to be no visitors what so ever, so as soon as he saw them go up he called our room to tell them to leave. Luckily, Kate, Rachael, Dinello and Kevin were able to find a 20-euro a person hotel near to us with availability. I was so happy that it ended up all working out.

Seriously… I have like overdosed on Gelato… if that is possible. Yesterday alone I had it four different times. But oh it is SO YUMMY! Most of the time, I get crème caramel… I do love my caramel. The triple berry and cookie flavors are close alternatives. Most gelato I have found in Rome ranges from 2 – 3 euros, but we found a great place in Civitavecchia where it only costs 1 euro! What a steal!

In Rome, we went to this awesome Gelato place by the Spanish Steps…it is by far my favorite one thus far. The workers were super nice… and it was like a one-stop shop. We had Viagra, Whiskey shots, and Gelato all in one! Haha… no, not viagra the drug, but Viagra the ice cream. It is the title of their most impressive, delicious gelato. Supposedly, it won first in an international taste-testing contest. It was extremely chocolately, and the workers were giving us sample after sample of it! We joked around that they put something in it because they were just trying to get rid of it… and with the name of course, we wouldn’t have been surprised. & I guess the named it that on purpose…  But anyway, at the same place we also took a round of whiskey shots… when in Rome! 

The sights in Rome were breath taking. The coliseum was my favorite. Kate, Becca and I spent 22 euro on a guided tour of that , but our 2nd tour guide was super hot! He actually is a very successful Shakespearean actor… and has been in several films and T.V. shows. He helped train the models of America’s Next Top Model to be Gladiator fighters for a shot… in addition to work in Gladiator, Troy…etc., … he recently auditioned for the next installment of the Twilight Film… I hope he gets it! He was so nice… joking with us, taking our picture, and giving us advice about Rome and Italy. He is originally from Scotland, though, so his English was perfect.

The Pantheon was amazing to see. It had a circular hole in its roof, allowing the sun to shine through it. The floors had wholes to allow for the drainage of the rainwater.  It was spectacular… It was so old, and stood out like a sore thumb. We saw it about 40 minutes before it stated to down pour… it would have been something to see it rain in the Pantheon. Instead we were on our way to the Trevi Fountain… another amazing site of Rome. There were tons of people there, in addition to TONS of gelato places… just absorbing the beauty of the fountain. I really wish I could explain the artwork… it is just phenomenal.

Who said you had to wait in line for the Vatican?! We didn’t! It was ridiculous seeing all of the amazing artwork inspired by the Catholic religion. The statues… the faces, the maps, the artwork, the SISTINE CHAPEL… Just AMAZING! Seeing the work of Michealangelo sent chills through my body. It must have taken him forever to do the detailed work that he did. He was an extremely skillful and talented artist, and admire the work he did. Although we were forbidden to take pictures in the Sistine Chapel, my camera was about to die as I tried tirelessly to document every other aspect of the Vatican Museum. I guess one hears the expression “Rome wasn’t built in a day”… and you really understand it once you have been there and seen the Vatican. Honestly I do not know how the ancient Romans did what they did… It will remain a mystery to me.

Kate and Becca were lucky… as they got to see the Pope himself speak as they got dropped off for the day (SAS trip, Rome on your own). The rest of us just got to see his window as we explored and took pictures of the St. Peter’s Basilica. It was Beautiful. I can’t wait to see the movies Angels and Demon’s now… as so much of it takes place in Rome!

I guess wherever I am I always end up running for the 10:09 p.m., there is a train that departs from for Citivecchia. We all plan on taking that, . The train is departing from Bin 28 (a.k.a. Track 28)… but we have NO idea where that is! We did see a couple of signs for 25-29, and followed them, but they were confusing! We ended up jogging through the station at about 10:07 trying to catch the train… I for sure thought we would miss it. We ended up catching it… I don’t even know how we did it! Anthony ended up sticking his arms through the doors of the train car as we tried to get on… allowing all five of us to get on. Seriously, we would have missed our train if we took a second longer. As we took our seats, we laughed, caught our breath and reminisced what a close call it was. We were grateful to make it… And do they check tickets on trains? They did not check ours on the way to Rome or on the way back… so hmm… We just had our metro passes and assumed they worked… But could we have rode for free to say Florence?! I wonder…

The last day in Civitavecchia, we kind of laid low. We attempted to explore the small town after sleeping in and lunch on the boat, but really there is not much to do.
On our third day in Civitaveccia, after two tiring days in Rome, we ended up spending most of our time on the ship. We chilled and sunbathed for a while up on deck seven, enjoying time by the pool. It was just so hot out, and our port city was a small town, that it was nice to relax and finally go in our pool. Although there weren’t many people who were on the boat, it was still nice. Citivaveccia was really a let down, (a small fishing town), with really a small beach with mainly a rocky shore and no swimming signs everywhere (although everyone was obviously ignoring it).

Before on-ship time at 9 p.m., where we depart Citevecchia for Naples, we went out to dinner and ordered some drinks. They were delicious. And Bo, Becca, Shannon and I splurged on a 2-Euro personal bottle of Posseco each, which is a type of Sparkling Wine from Northern Italy. I was excited to drink it as we learned about in our European Union class… (our Professor loves wine, let me tell you!)… & I myself find the whole industry extremely interesting also!

On our way to Naples, Bo, Anthony, Rachael, Nicole, Kate, Shannon, Kevin, Nina, Becca and I piled into a room to watch Slumdog Millionaire. Great film. I’m jealous that other SAS trips visit the Taj Mahal! Oh well…, I shouldn’t complain, as tomorrow I will be visiting Pompeii and Sorrento on my first SAS trip yet! I am so excited I cannot wait!

I know I have been ALL OVER the place with this blog… But seeing the touristy sites takes A LOT out of you! I hope to explain a lot more during or after our time in Naples… or one can just read Anthony’s blog (so Jealous of it!)….

-       Other notes in this port: I was able to call my mom, dad and Annmarie from a phone center! Yay! … So glad to hear there voices!

Until then,


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