Capri, Italy

Capri, Italy

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

4th Country: Greece!

YAY!! We’re in Greece! We docked in Piraeus, which is the second largest city in Greece after Athens, and its port is huge! Gigantic cruise ships and ferry ships dominate the waters. And even where our ship is docked, it looks as though it is basically kissing another ship.

Immigration cleared the ship around 8:30 a.m., so I quickly got my things together to meet Anthony around 9. Upon debarking the MV Explorer, we asked locals to direct us to where ferry tickets our sold. We want to go to a Greek Island, as much of SAS is doing…but we heard many rumors on the ship that ferries for certain islands were all sold out! Not good! So…wanting to see if this were true or not, we jetted over to the kiosks. Luckily, none of the ferries we asked about were sold out! Yay! Greek islands here we come!

After going to the ferry stand, Anthony, Rachael, Kate and I met up for our 1 p.m. SAS trip: The sights of Athens and the Acropolis. I am SO glad I booked this trip through SAS…Athens is HUGE, and we would have been absolutely EXHAUSTED had it not been for the convenience of our bus and guide. And with signs all in Greek, which has some different letters, we would have been more than lost. The trip lasted four hours, and I was able to see a good amount of historical sights during that time. Our first stop was the original Olympic Stadium. After that… we saw other notable places such as their University and Parliament before our main stop: The Acropolis!

The Acropolis was phenomenal. The ruins…the columns…it just blows my mind. How did the ancient Greeks build everything?! Every angle was the perfect spot for a picture…and I think I got some good ones! It is perched high on a hill overlooking Athens…which as I said was HUGE…but the city also glistened. I have noticed that a lot of rooftops here appear to be equipped with technology to use solar energy…so I think the metal reflects the sun and sparkles. We were also able to see the Parthenon, and the remains of the Temple of Zeus. But geez…you think we would get used to walking by now… but no. It is just draining with that sun! We only spent a little over 2 hours at the archeological site, and boy did I want a nap after!

At night, Anthony, Rachael, Kate, Lindsay and I grabbed a taxi to Athens. I ended up only staying out about 4 hours because I had to wake up for our 7:30 a.m. SAS trip…but it was SO much fun! The area we went to was super nice…. I loved it. I just wish we didn’t have to take a taxi there and back…it is expensive! There were fancy restaurants, clubs, and tons of upscale bars packed with locals our age. There was both indoor and outdoor seating, as well as rooftop terraces. The music was what we like to listen to, and the drinks were top notch (I got a strawberry daiquiri!) I just really enjoyed the whole atmosphere. Plus, I indulged in a Greek Gyro (pita bread with chicken) for 2.30 euro and it was AMAZING! I hope I get a chance to get another one…

On the topic of food… Starbucks, pizza hut, dominos, McDonalds… there are tons of American options to choose from in the way of food. Although all of it sounds yummy, I am going to do my best to stick with local Greek cuisine. Me? Who would have thought?! And I’m excited because the Greeks seem to like their coffee iced or blended. Just how I like it! I tried an iced cappuccino at a local chain named Goody’s. It cost me a little over a euro, and was well worth it! (Although I do miss my splenda or equal options in the states) And the burgers and salads at Goody’s looked SOOO good! I hope I make it back there to give it a taste!

And in Piraeus, there is a close phone center near by so I was able to call home! It made my day…as it is always good to hear my family’s voices! (Sorry for waking you up Mom!) I miss them everyday SO MUCH, and wish they could be here experiencing everything with me. I cannot wait to see everyone in August.


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