Capri, Italy

Capri, Italy

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Days 3 & 4: Bulgaria

Awakening up to our third day in Bulgaria, it was pouring rain and cloudy! This could not be… as we were to go parasailing… and lounge beachside! Although unfortunate, it remained cloudy (although it did stop raining) for a good part of the afternoon. However, we managed to tweak our plans a bit and managed to have a great day and night nonetheless. So after lunch onboard the ship, Lauren, Eric, Bo, Ben, Anthony and I walked towards the garden a little to get to the Pedestrian St. in Varna. Since we had only been there at night (it is where Galaxy bowling is located), we figured it would be a cool place to check out during the day. It was. I was finally able to try a fruit frapaccino thing from Cuzza Coffee… which totally reminded me of a Starbucks! It was delicious. And of course we did some shopping, and I found some cheap clothing at this store called the New Yorker. Since the laundry situation on the ship is …well… pretty much nonexistent, I was in desperate need of some shirts, or anything really. And I was able to get 3 shirts and these knee-length sweat-pant type bottoms to where in Egypt and Morocco.

After checking out some more stores, we headed to Happy’s Bar and Grill to get some dinner. Happy’s are all over Varna… and they reminded me a little of an Applebee’s. It is amazing how all over the world things seem so westernized, and it is what sells. Anyhow, I ordered chicken kebabs that were oh so yummy. The service was exceptionally slow, but we were all able to have some deep and reflective conversations. Straight from dinner, around 7:30, we caught two cabs to Golden Sands. It took us a little while to hail them and get a fairly decent price, but we finally did. Ben, Eric and I shared a cab… and I was shocked to learn that Eric spoke a good amount of Russian! Ben and I basically sat the entire time in the back of the cab listening to the taxi driver and him go back and forth in Russian! It was quite impressive, and definitely unexpected. I guess he started the language at school and is trying to minor in it. You just never know things about people! And on the way our driver (who was really nice!) pointed out to us a small old car that was driving along side of us. He said it was from East Germany and made of wood…kind of cool to see.

When we all met up at Golden Sands… our first stop was the International Casino! Oh yea… we were up for some gambling. It was fun… but the place was a lot smaller than I thought it would be (it looked Huge from the outside!). But, I played what I learned in Halifax… Roulette. 10 Leva… that’s the amount I lost rather quickly. Although I did find 3 coins in a slot machine…put them in and won 5 Leva back which I quickly cashed in! I was proud of myself!
After the casino, our crazy night continued as we headed towards Muppet’s Karaoke Bar. We ended up staying there for hours, and had such a blast. I didn’t sing (although Ben and I were trying to!)…but Anthony and Eric did many times. It was such a blast, and the place was really happening! They had a dance floor and I was grooving! Pizza before the 3 am taxi ride home finished up the evening.
For our last day in Bulgaria, we stayed in Varna as to not spend the time or money on a cab to Golden Sands. Many SAS’s went Bungee Jumping…but I couldn’t do that! So, I ended up hitting up the main Pedestrian area again this time with Kate, Kevin and Becca to do some last minute shopping. I had 10 Leva more to spend… and I think I made it go pretty far! (In Varna, there are like no souvenir shops…but we were able to find the select few).

As I had to be back to the ship by 5 p.m. to work my last port duty, I ventured back a little early as everyone remained at an Internet Café. For my work-study, I stood at the gangway for an hour and reminded people that their Egypt camera form was due. (Every individual had to fill out a form documenting the serial numbers of every camera and video camera they intend to bring into Egypt… Egyptian Law). Glad that hour’s over.

Reflecting on Bulgaria… I am super glad that we went there. It was Semester at Sea’s first voyage including this country, and I hope it makes the itinerary for future voyages as well (although it is the only country they are not going to Summer 2010 that is different from ours). Although there were not many monumental things to see, it was a nice stop… it was relaxing. It was a change of pace, and provided for us what I would say to be a little Spring Break. The nature combined with the picturesque coastline was worth it.

And, I hear that the majority of the SAS trips were phenomenal! I am so jealous that I did not make it on the full-day Jeep Safari trip… it sounds like they really had one of the best days! But if I did ever make back to Bulgaria… I think I would attempt to visit a different side of the country… like venture into a small village. Kate, one of my roommates, went on an SAS trip to a village with a population of 200 and said it was one of the most incredible experiences, and really made Bulgaria special for her. Speaking of the village… the population once stood at about 2000. This is one of Bulgaria’s biggest issues they are facing… a lowered and uneven population as many young people are deciding to study and eventually move abroad. Because of this, there are many abandoned buildings (even skyscrapers) unfinished construction, and a growing elderly population. This is affecting their employment and production levels. In addition, I would go parasailing & check out the 7-story mall that many SAS’s found and said was quite the place! I bet I could have found some more clothes there!

Nevertheless, I had a great time in Bulgaria! I will miss it.

After settling back onto the ship and debarking (we had like a fan of people on the pier watch us leave port btw), I wrote my second music field report on the Sufi Dervish shows that are in Turkey. Yay… 1 paper down… 4 to go!

It should be a busy 2 days at sea before we get to EGYPT! Lots of meetings, a test, and things to do.

Until next time, I hope everyone is well at home! I miss and love you all so much! Can’t wait to see you!

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