Capri, Italy

Capri, Italy

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Okay... wow... right now it is Thursday night, the 11th of June, and we are leaving SATURDAY MORNING!! I cannot believe I have just one day left in Colonie. These four weeks I had off in between school and SAS have FLEW.

So, in a little over 30 hours, my dad, my mom, and I will begin the drive to Halifax, Nova Scotia.
We just booked our hotels a few a days ago. We will be staying right outside the city, nearer to the airport on the night of of the 13th, and then at a different hotel downtown on the 14th. I am really happy to have some time with my parents to explore Halifax before my departure. It is like a little vacation... plus Halifax looks amazing! Checking the weather, however, it looks like it will only be in the 60's. I'm a little sad that the weather has not been what I had hoped it would be while home... I did not get some good days poolside with the family before I left. I for sure will miss my family and friends from home. But soon, I will be in the Mediterranean... hopefully enjoying AMAZING weather!!

So, what have I been doing? Well... of course I have been trying to PACK. Boy, do I hate packing. There is so much to do, and I never know what to bring. I for sure over packed, and I for sure will wish I had something while abroad that I did not pack. Today, I spent the day shopping with my sister, and bought some new shirts, but still have no idea what shoes to bring, or dress for the Ambassador's ball or Captain's dinner. I also cannot find the cord to my camera...but I have to be done packing by tomorrow night so hopefully everything will come together!

And as you can see from the comment from my last post, my best friend Anthony Souza IS GOING with me on SAS!!! I love him dearly and am soo fortunate to have him sharing this once-in-a-lifetime experience with me!! We are both EXTREMELY excited, and have been attempting to plan excursions in the various countries we will be visiting. He also created a blog, which can be viewed at

The facebook group now has over 500 members, and I don't know what I do without this group! I am constantly checking it... either seeing the new trip ideas people are posting, reading questions and answers posted my alumni, or simply sharing in the excitement with fellow summer 09 SAS's!! Everyone seems super nice... & I cannot wait to meet all of the 700+ students! I also participated last Thursday in my first ever phone conference with the other RA's and student life work study students, and only got more pumped for SAS!! I just can't believe that it is happening, and that it is right around the corner!!

Well, I guess that's enough for now...

I will probably be on the ship next time I post... Talk to you then!


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