Capri, Italy

Capri, Italy

Saturday, June 27, 2009

More Days at Sea! (Before Spain)

SOOO SORRY FOR THE DELAY! I wrote this before our first port of Spain, but never got posted it! But, I didn’t want these memories to just fade away so here it is:

Blog time! Yay! I want to keep writing and keep everyone from home informed, but sometimes I feel like don’t have that much new to say…the day’s are quite repetitive thus far (we are on day 7…although they are lots of fun too!)…But for the most part classes take up a big chunk of the time. On a typical class day, I wake up, go to global studies, go to global music, eat lunch, shower, catch up on some reading or take a quick nap, go to business, politics, and culture of the EU, eat dinner, and then either do some homework or hang with friends until around 7:45 of 8 when I either have to go to work, or go to one of the information sessions going on in the union every night. Then I either partake in some games, movies, pub night or some special event. The only nights I HATE are those where I am working pub nights… I am like secluded in a little corner of the ship on Deck 7 in the freezing cold for over two hours…no RA is a fan of it. But, what can I do? Anthony and everyone try to come visit me for a little while, and they took some pretty funny pictures the other night. It was almost eleven, and I was frozen, so I guess I looked pretty miserable haha. I’m sure Ant wrote about in his blog. But tonight is some more information about Spain, so I really want to attend… although I have to work at 7:45. Hopefully my job will involve me staying in the Union so I can take part in the session as well!

Today for lunch they had ICE CREAM, and FRENCH FRIES! Everyone was super excited. Yea, french fries are just another form of potatoes, which we have at every meal, but it this was the first time we had this treat. They don’t post menus or anything, so one never knows what is for lunch or dinner. Breakfast is by far the best, with yogurt, cereal and fruit (the eggs are another story…Yuck), but I’ve only made it 3 times. Today Shannon and I even slept through global studies! We were just so exhausted…we stayed up pretty late watching some of Legally Blonde the Musical, first with Bo and then with Anthony. And tonight on the ship-wide movie channel they are airing Australia! I’m not sure if I’ll get a chance to watch it though…

The dinner has not been very appealing to me in the past two days. They’ve had like lamb casserole or mushroom something or others and pastas with things I definitely do not like. But… they have these cubes of cheese, which are really good, and some fairly decent mashed potatoes. So, I’ve been eating that and then later breaking into my stash that I brought. I’m trying desperately to make my balance bars and other things last…but they are just so good! I cannot wait to get to Spain and Italy and everywhere for some real food! Possibly even a Starbucks?!

Our first paper for global studies is due the day before we arrive in Italy, which is class day number 9. It needs to be only 2-pages in length, and is based on the much of our readings. I’m trying not to stress about it… but I can’t wait to for that paper to be written! I also have a midterm that day as well as a global music test… should be fun. But of course I will be in a good mood because I will be waking up the following morning to ITALY!

It is really awesome when we get to see some other ships in the distance. It is reassuring knowing that there is existence out there…and other people making this journey across the Atlantic! We cannot tell if they are cruise ships or cargo ships, but when we took our bridge tour, they have this device that tells them exactly what ships in our radius are carrying. I forgot to mention earlier that when I took the bridge tour, there was one ship showing up on their big blue radar screen, which was also quite visible from out on the decks. I tried to take a picture of it, but my zoom wouldn’t reach that far. But still it is pretty cool!

I got an e-mail today from my mother… I LOVE opening my e-mail and finding that I have a letter from home! It was so good hearing about what is going on with my family. I miss them lots! And for anyone else who wishes to e-mail me, please do at! It is a free account so I can easily keep in contact with you. Yay!

So now there’s a HUGE group of us going to Seville for the night of the 25th! I am so excited! Before I left for SAS, it was just Anthony, me, and this girl Sarah. Now, my roommate Kate is coming with us, Becca, Racheal, and Anthony and his roommates, along with some others. (I’m not sure if I mentioned that in an earlier blog…sorry if I’m repeating myself) And Thursday is supposed to be Seville’s most happening night! And then we will meet back up with Shannon the night of my birthday and all celebrate my birthday!

And a bunch of us read some jokes that were stuck to a person’s door on post-its. Some of them were pretty funny… we laughed pretty hard at this one: “So a grasshopper walked into a bar. The bartender said, “Hey, there’s a drink named after you.” The grasshopper replied, “Oh really, there’s a drink named Kevin?!” haha – I guess it seemed funnier then … but we laughed. And I guess I’ll end with that…

I cannot wait to post my stories about Cadiz, Spain. We have one more time change tonight, where we lose another hour, and then we are officially in the same time zone as Spain!!



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