Capri, Italy

Capri, Italy

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Going Once, Going Twice...Sold!

Back on the ship… time is going by fairly slowly as we try to make it through our longest stretch at sea since crossing the Atlantic. We are traveling at an average speed of 18.5 knots. In addition, we have started gaining back hours, translating to us having two-25 hour days thus far. Having an extra hour of sleep isn’t bad though! I am just too excited for Morocco and totally over the whole school thing that I do not have the motivation to write any of the papers I have left!

Last night was tons of fun though, as the crew put on a ridiculous talent show! The union was filled to capacity as about all 1,000 people on board attempted to cram into the room to witness the anticipated event. I somehow managed to nab a front row seat… no idea how! It was hilarious seeing all of the amazing crewmembers dance, sing and pull of extraordinary talents. I was more than impressed! I wish I videotaped it. The crew hails from a total of 19 countries, with the majority being from the Philippines. Our cabin steward, Achilles, who always seems so shy and proper, was busting moves right and left as he showed off his skills in a dance featuring 2 other stewards. Others did this wine bottle joggling/dancing thing… I don’t even know what it was but I want private lessons! I watched in awe…and would love to walk into a party being able to do that! It was just great to see all of the crew in a different light. They seemed to really have a great time, as did the whole ship. They must really look forward to this on every voyage.

After the crew talent show, it was time for Casino Night! Anthony worked very hard on setting this up with some of the LLC’s, and all of his work paid off. There was a great turnout, and people seemed to be really enjoying themselves. It lasted until almost 1 in the morning, and games offered included Bingo, blackjack, texas hold’em and poker. It was free for all, and people were able to trade in their chips for raffle tickets for a chance to win some great prizes. 2 Massages, a special dinner, 2 gift cards, an ice cream cake and Internet minutes were all up for grabs. Since I helped work the night administering raffle tickets, I never got a chance to play. I did however drop my 10 raffle tickets into the buckets before I called it a night.

Today, our third day at sea, has not been bad at all. First of all, we were all able to sleep in because we have NO CLASSES. Yay! 2 days were enough for me… It’s nice to have a break. And upon waking up, when I headed down to the guys’ room… I found out the best news! My name was drawn in the Casino Night raffle and I had won an hour massage up at the wellness center! I was shocked, because the massage bucket was overflowing, and I had only put 2 of my 10 tickets in there! I had put the rest in the huge ice cream cake bucket (but I wanted the massage more… I just thought I had a better chance of winning!) I was seriously so happy… I would have been pissed if they were pulling my leg. They weren’t… and I booked a deep tissue massage on August 14th, after our last port of call. I am so excited! I am always asking for shoulder massages when everyone is hanging out, and they always say no. This time, I can relax and my poor back will finally get some relief from a strenuous summer! YAY!

Other great news… I found out that I will be receiving a Voyage Scholarship ranging from $30.00 to $100.00! I should know the exact details by the time we reach Morocco, but it was another pleasant surprise! I am grateful… and at least it will cover the $25.00 ID replacement cost I had to spend earlier in the voyage.

Why did we not have classes? Well, today was the SAS Auction Day. Throughout the day, they offered a silent auction, consisting of a variety of items. Followed by the silent auction there was a live auction in the Union… my first live auction! It was eventful… and entertaining to watch. Being an auctioneer would be a fun job… There were times of intense competitions with the paddles… especially for the all-inclusive trip to Pakistan! Over $25,000 was raised during the 2 hours for the SAS scholarship fund… pretty impressive! People bid on a variety of trips, to places such as Colorado to Alaska to the Bahamas; items, such as a private cabin, unlimited Internet minutes or signed maps by the captain; and opportunities, like blowing the horn when we pull into Norfolk. A bunch of’s won a private milk and cookies party for $200.00 total. I wanted to be a part of it, but I think at $20.00 each it’s a little pricey.

I’m just happy about my massage!

It’s getting late here, and I’m exhausted. Until next time, XOXO.

I love and miss everyone,

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