Capri, Italy

Capri, Italy

Friday, August 28, 2009

The End...

The last 10 days of the voyage were a variety of things: long, sad, stressful, joyful, and at times boring. At the same time of wanting the trip to continue, I think the majority of us were ready to be home, to see our families and friends, as we had no more new countries ahead of us. That was true for me.

But as time passed, I think that overall the final four days of classes went by pretty fast. After classes, we had three more school-related days at sea. A day devoted to the Global Studies Final, a day to study for our remaining finals, and then the last day of finals. The EU final, worth 50% of our grades, was the most stressful. Anthony and I made flashcards and often studied together, but the format was all written, with short answer and an essay. Being our only test, and cumulative, we had no idea what he would ask! It was a relief when that test, which was also our final test, was over. All of our papers were submitted, and we had no more studying to do…nothing. It was a great feeling! It was then that the fun could begin. We chilled poolside (I got tan!), watched movies together, shared laughs, traded pictures, played games, and enjoyed our final hours at sea. We also took part in the various activities SAS had for us.

One such event was the student talent show, held in the Union. I was able to find out that not only did we have a talented crew, but also a talented body of students! Anthony of course sang (a Josh Grobin song) – and was amazing as usual. There was also another singer, Amanda, whom I know will go far. She sang three songs, and her voice was incredible! Other acts included Shannon, my roommate, taking part in a group hip-hop dance, and also the “Real SASer’s of Genius” – who made fun of various administration through creative, originally written pieces of music. THEY WERE HYSTERICAL – and they ended up getting a cabin named after them on the ship. They will forever be remembered! I wish I recorded them!

The following night, on Thursday, August 20th, SAS held the Summer 2009 Ambassador’s Ball. It was an amazing night, and is a big deal on every voyage. Everyone dresses up, as it is a formal function, and voyagers are inducted into the SAS Alumni organization. So… yes… I am now a Semester at Sea Alum!! Just saying it… I cannot believe it! I remember when I first stumbled across the program’s website over a year ago. I saw pictures of students studying on the boat, exploring the countries… and now I…I am a part of it! I will forever cherish the memories that were created on this experience, and hope to one day be back on the MV Explorer. In addition to the feeling of accomplishment, joining the Alumni association also came with a major sense of relief. It is an understatement when I say that deciding to partake in a voyage is stressful – I constantly worried. The dangers of world travel right now are real, and scary. You just never know when anything can happen. However, I am glad that I did not let my fears hold me back… and I was all smiles at the realization that I was returning safely to the states; to my family; and to my friends.

At the ball, I wore a strapless black dress. It was fun getting all dressed up with the roomies one last time. It felt as though we were going to be getting off the ship…when in reality we were only going up 2 floors to the Main Dining Room. The night began with dinner, which started at 8 p.m. While entering the decorated dining area, everyone was served a glass of champagne. Various photos of the voyage spanned the walkways. Looking around, everyone on the ship looked radiant. The dresses were gorgeous, and the men looked spiffy. The atmosphere in the dining room was so different – it was unlike every other meal. With the lights dimmed I could really admire the chandeliers (which I hadn’t noticed the whole voyage!) Eating, A.B.A. was split into two tables – Anthony, Lauren, Eric, Ben, Shannon, Nina and I were at one, while the rest of the crew sat near by. We were served a scrumptious four-course meal, of which mine consisted of bruschetta, salad, and French-onion soup, followed by the main course of chicken, carrots, and potatoes. Dessert was served in Tymitz Square at 9:30, and included a wide variety of baked goods. I personally loved the marble cheesecake squares, and my plate showed it! Four may have been a little too much… Oh well! After dessert, it was time to dance! From 10 until midnight, a DJ played music in the Union. A.B.A. danced their hearts out, and shared a great night together.

Our final day at sea – Day 66 – was devoted to packing and other preparations for our arrival to the states. Luggage had to be packed by 1 p.m., as it was taken at that time. We could only have a small backpack or overnight bag with us when we walked off the ship. Packing was a little difficult – as I had to fit everything I had bought into my already cramped suitcases. I somehow did it – and they even zipped shut! My souvenirs were everywhere – wrapped in just about every piece of clothing I owned. I did not want anything breaking!

At night, SAS had some more things planned for us. We started the night by meeting one last time with our small groups. We talked about the impacts of the voyage on our life, and watched a hysterical film made by anonymous thieves of “Fred”. After that, Shaun had a small thank-you party for the R.A.s, with chips, salsa, and mini-cheeseburgers. I hadn’t had chips and salsa the whole voyage – I went crazy! I’m pretty sure I ate the equivalent of an entire jar of salsa myself. I also stole some for Kevin (who had been craving the snack forever!). He was ecstatic when I brought them to him – but poor Kevin – everyone else saw them and people basically fought over chips! Everyone was interested in how I somehow got my hands on …. CHIPS AND SALSA!! Haha… Anyways, at 9 p.m., we had our final pre-port with a green-sheet and all. People said good-byes, and administration wished us well. The “Real SASer’s of Genius” made another appearance – and left the crowd teary eyed, as we were all laughing so hard.

Barely sleeping the final night, the shipboard community was woken up around 6 a.m. by the soothing singing voice of Dean Shaun’s mother-in-law. Eager to see land and grab breakfast, we headed up to Deck 6. We sat outside as A.B.A. enjoyed their last breakfast together on the MV Explorer, using our cameras to capture the beautiful sunrise.

Before the ship pulled into port, we regained cell-phone service! It was weird being able to use my cell phone again…and I immediately called my parents. I hadn’t heard their voices since Greece! It was so great to hear them talk!

Our ship slowly docked around 8 a.m. The ship was able to do a complete 180 degree turn before docking, allowing everyone on the decks to wave to the plethora of waving and smiling parents on the pier. Although my parents came a little later, seeing them for the first time was such a terrific feeling! I had been so excited for our reunion that words cannot express it! I first saw them around 9:30 a.m. from the back of deck 6, as they were standing and waving from the pier. I was able to easily point out my dad in his red shirt, and my mom with her black and white striped attire. Although we could see each other briefly, we were still separated for hours more as debarkation was delayed over 2 hours due to luggage troubles. And since the crane was moving the luggage, I was able to only see my parents for roughly 3 minutes (I was yelled out by the crew to get off the back deck).

As everyone awaited debarkation, A.B.A. lounged around Anthony and Kevin’s room one last time. We traded some final pictures, and everyone signed my global studies textbook (it was like having people sign a yearbook! Weird!) When they did call people for disembarkation - my sea, the Baltic Sea, was fourth in line to disembark out of a possible ten. Anthony followed three seas after. All in all, I got off the ship around 1 p.m. After collecting my bags and going through customs, I ran and hugged my parents as soon as I saw them. I was home!! Waiting for Anthony, we walked my luggage to the car, and hit up a near-by Starbucks. Yum – Venti Caramel Light Frapaccino. When Anthony was ready (which took no time at all), we said our goodbyes to everyone on the pier. It was difficult – but I see an A.B.A. reunion in the near future! New York? Vegas? Chicago? Alumni Voyage?! We have options!

So…It is now over. No more MV Explorer, no more A.B.A. everyday…the 99th voyage is complete. I am still in shock, and don’t even know what to say. I don’t think it has really hit me, as I haven’t really had the time to think about this crazy, whirlwind of a summer. I debarked the ship in Norfolk, Virginia on Saturday, August 22 a little after noon, and left approximately 24 hours later for Oswego. I slipped right back into R.A. training up at school, and have had a thousand things on my to-do list. I have yet to really reflect on this trip, let alone see the majority of my family and friends from home! Until then… all I can say is I am so grateful to have gone on this adventure. I met great people, expanded my knowledge of the world, of different cultures, traditions, and beliefs.... my eyes are now open to things I would have never even noticed before. Believe in yourself … and as Anthony says:
Explore. Dream. Discover.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.”

Today, the 100th voyage of SAS set sail from Halifax, NS. Good luck voyagers, and soak up every moment!

Thank you to everyone who has helped in making this trip possible. You are loved.

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